Saturday, December 15, 2012


How do you feel if you see your friends or someone else talk something behind you? Even you don't know what they talking about. Maybe about you, maybe about they self, maybe about everything. You know guys, everything can be hot topic.
It's so hurt, you know. Actually, you can ask them, and join the conversation. But little pieces in your heart talk to you to let it go. Some pieces worried that talking about you is true. I hate this feel. I hate when my friend saw me looks like a something to be gossip. Maybe it's just a karma because sometimes i'm a queen of gossip.^^
My friend, I love you, but I hate it when you talk about me silently. Please, tell me if you think I made ​​a mistake, if I hurt you, if I do something and it is contrary to your heart. I promise, I will change, and everything will be back either. ^^ 


  1. Katanya ya sist, kalo orang membicarakan kita di belakang.. berarti kita sudah ada jauh di depan mereka. :)
    Think positive, sist.

    1. yes yes yes.. senangnya punya sahabat yang selalu positif. bisa nular ke aku mudah2an. makasiiih mbaaa.^^

  2. bener kata gek tu,, berpikir positif aja,, n sering introvesksi diri aja ,, lam kenal kunjungna perdana ne

    1. siaaaaap.. salam kenal ya. makasih udah berkunjung.^^
